21–22 Jan 2020
America/Los_Angeles timezone

This workshop will focus on the 2016 bump-hunt and vertexing analysis and getting them ready for review and publication.  Topics will include: 

  • Finalizing (or finalizing the plan to get) event selection
    • Discussion of cuts that we can make common between vert/BH
  • Statistical treatment of selected sample and implementation
    • Signal extraction, discovery thresholds, limit setting
    • Integrating systematic errors into this
  • A heavy dose of systematic errors
    • What are they and how do we estimate them
    • Deficiencies in MC and how to address them
    • Corrections we can implement to MC to reduce these
  • Documentation
    • Support notes that would be useful? 
    • Best way to make recipes for repeating analysis/future analysis
84/1-B188 - Ballam
Meeting URL https://bluejeans.com/2481822377?src=join_info Meeting ID 248 182 237 7 Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers: +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) (see all numbers - https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers) Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by # Connecting from a room system? Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode