FPD Seminar

Qibin Liu - In Quest of Dark Matter at the Energy Frontier: Dark Higgs, Dark Photon and Beyond

48/1-112A/B - Redwood A/B (SLAC)

48/1-112A/B - Redwood A/B



The Standard Model theory successfully encapsulates our fundamental understanding of the world. However, it fails to predict the existence of Dark Matter (DM), which is believed to constitute majority of our universe. This talk will focus on DM searches at the energy frontier—the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)—where extreme energy conditions enable the potential production of DM on Earth. I will discuss the search for the dark Higgs boson and the combination of massless dark photon searches with Higgs boson coupling using the ATLAS detector. Additionally, I will cover future developments including the novel machine learning method for model-independent DM searches and detector R&D.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/98973156241?pwd=cEU5RFdlVXoyc0JTeTlDMkozKzQ5UT09

Organised by

Peter Gaemers (pgaemers@slac), Sayan Ghosh (sghosh92@slac), Jamie Ryan (jlryan@slac)