19 February 2019
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Contribution List

19 / 19
Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 10:00
Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC), Laura Domine (Stanford University)
19/02/2019, 10:15
Sean McLaughlin (Stanford University), Warren Morningstar (Stanford University)
19/02/2019, 10:35
Dr Matthew Solt (SLAC), Dr Omar Moreno (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 10:45
Dr Johannes Voss (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 11:05
Faya Wang (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 11:50
Prof. Wah Chiu (SLAC), Yee Li (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 13:00
Dr Paulo Alves (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 13:30
Dr Ryan Herbst (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 13:40
Audrey Therrien (SLAC), Omar Quijano (SLAC), Dr Ryan Coffee (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 13:50
Dr Chun Hong Yoon (SLAC)
19/02/2019, 14:00
Anton Loukianov (SLAC), Audrey Therrien (SLAC), Dr Auralee Edelen (SLAC), Dr Chun Hong Yoon (SLAC), Claudio Emma (SLAC), Faya Wang (SLAC), Gabriel Blaj (SLAC), Henry van den Bedem (Stanford University), Ji Won Park (Stanford University), Jose Torres (Stanford University), Dr Joseph Duris (SLAC), Juhao Wu (SLAC), Kristopher Brown (Stanford University), Laura Domine (Stanford University), Dr Maria Elena Monzani (SLAC), Dr Paulo Alves (SLAC), Ponan Li (SLAC), Dr Ryan Herbst (SLAC), Saulo Oliveira (Stanford University), Sean McLaughlin (Stanford University), Sowmya Kamath (Stanford University), William Colocho (Stanford University), Xiao Zhang (Stanford), Xiaobiao Huang (SLAC), Xinyu Ren (SLAC), Yasheng Maimaiti (Stanford University)
19/02/2019, 14:10

Bayesian optimization of FEL pulse energy
Data-driven discovery of plasma physics
Machine Learning at the Heavy Photon Search Experiment
A Statistical Approach to Recognizing Source Classes for Unassociated Sources in Fermi-LAT Catalogs
Identify undetected galaxies with conventional and machine learning techniques
Temporal Electric Field Reconstruction
Bayesian Cosmological Inference with...

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