CIDeR-ML Collaboration Meeting


The 3rd Calibration and Inference of Detector Response with Machine Learning (CIDeR-ML) collaboration meeting August 2024 takes place near San Francisco (SFO), USA.

This ~two-week long meeting includes introductory talks followed by daily hackathon (morning and evening huddles) to develop software applications. Goals of the meeting include:

  • Flesh-out previously defined strategies for data-driven calibration methods, integrate all required inputs (MC simulations), and identify all required items for data taking (calibration and run plans).
  • Design and develop (and complete if possible) necessary software components for upcoming data taking for LArTPCs (the U.S. team) and water Cherenkov (the Japanese team) prototype detectors.


Attendance from both the U.S. and Japanese team are necessary to achieve these goals and carry the project as planned.

Talk durations include light presentation and healthy amount of discussion time. Huddle time involves group brainstorming, whiteboard, skeleton slides, etc.

For those not attending in person, we will try to connect to Zoom for the morning huddles and evening reports.

Google doc for keeping track of daily goals and notes.

For any questions, contact below (or Slack).
