FPD Seminar

The LUXE Detector Systems and their Synergies with E320 -- Antonios Athanassiadis (DESY)

48/2-224 - Madrone (SLAC)

48/2-224 - Madrone



The recent advances in high-intensity lasers have enabled the generation of extreme

fields in the laboratory, driving an increased interest in exploring non-perturbative

Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) under strong-field conditions. Two notable aspects

of strong-field QED are non-linear Compton scattering and Breit-Wheeler pair

production. These phenomena can be observed when a high-intensity laser pulse

collides with a relativistic electron beam.

The E320 experiment of FACET-II is designed to probe the strong-field effects in

electron-laser interactions, obtaining first results in the Compton scattering regime.

The LUXE experiment is a similar project, proposed to be built at DESY, Germany,

with the goal of accurately probing this QED regime using novel detector systems.

Our study proposes a detector system for the efficient detection of high-rate

Compton electrons. The “Electron Detection System” employs a segmented

gas-filled Cherenkov detector along with a scintillator screen and camera system and

is about to be tested under `real` physics conditions at E320.

This seminar will present the fundamentals of the LUXE experiment, introduce its

detector systems and show first results of beam tests with the Electron Detection

System. Furthermore, its implementation into the ongoing E320 experiment and the

upcoming measurement campaign will be discussed. It is anticipated that this joint

experiment will provide further insights into quantum processes in high-intensity

electromagnetic fields.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/98973156241?pwd=cEU5RFdlVXoyc0JTeTlDMkozKzQ5UT09

Organised by

David Charles Goldfinger, Zhi Zheng
(dgoldfinger@stanford.edu, zzheng@slac)