Weekly EC Meeting




John, Stepan, Cameron, Alessandra, Matt, Tim, Maurik, Rafo


Beamtime request:

Stepan will fill out the run request form starting from the 2021 request, where many of the details are the same.  Tim will draft a narrative of 1-2 pages to accompany this request, which will be for two-pass running with a short period of operation at one pass to collect Mollers.



Everyone agreed that it is time to appoint a committee for the SIMPs analysis.  Because Alic will be completing his dissertation on 10% of the 2016 data, it is understood that the initial charge will be the review of the analysis as represented in Alic’s analysis note. It was left as an open issue whether this same committee will also serve for the analysis of 100% that will culminate in a publication.  A number of nominations were made and will be contacted regarding serving on the committee.


Policy for HPS Affiliates and Limited Members:

There was a discussion of creating some formal policies for individuals working on HPS without full membership.  In general, these are individuals at institutions without a PI working on HPS, since membership in those instances has been pro forma. Two cases were discussed, that of affiliates - those working with HPS data but without membership (Affiliates) and those who would work on HPS for the purpose of a specific analysis (Limited Members). Maurik has agreed to draft some brief language describing and laying out the rules for these kinds of engagements, where there is significant precedent from CLAS to draw from in defining Limited Members, but Affiliates - which include all manner of interns and engineers - has always been managed in an ad hoc way.  


Collaboration Meeting:

These was a discussion of dates for the next collaboration meeting, and the dates of Nov 13-15 at SLAC were without obvious conflicts and will be proposed to the collaboration.



There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:15
      Discussion of Run Request 15m
    • 10:15 10:30
      Discussion of SIMPs analysis and paper committee 15m
    • 10:30 10:45
      Discussion of policy for affiliates 15m
    • 10:45 11:00
      Discussion of next collaboration meeting 15m