Nov 7 – 10, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Sapphire substrate qubit-based detector for light dark matter search

Nov 9, 2023, 1:30 PM
51/1-102 - Kavli Auditorium (SLAC)

51/1-102 - Kavli Auditorium


2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Oral RDC8: Quantum and Superconducting Sensors RDC8


Kester Anyang (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Harnessing sub-eV energy excitations from light dark matter interaction with a target material is one of the challenges in exploring promising novel materials for dark matter searches. In polar materials like sapphire, dark matter interaction can excite sub-eV optical phonon modes. Furthermore, the anisotropy of sapphire crystal could provide a signature of daily modulation of the dark matter scattering rate, making it a promising target material. We plan to utilize superconducting qubits on a sapphire substrate to take advantage of the excitation of phonons, which scatter and further down-convert to lower-energy phonons. A good fraction of these phonons are expected to reach the qubit superconductor on the substrate and break Cooper pairs. Such a process can cause qubit decoherence, which can be measured using standard qubit readout protocol. In this talk, we describe our ongoing attempt to build such a prototype detector.

Early Career No

Primary author

Kester Anyang (Illinois Institute of Technology)


Presentation materials