Hybrid Meeting (https://stanford.zoom.us/j/96216063373?pwd=ZXpOSWV1c2daVWN4dDlGQzcyUzZrZz09)
DMRadio-50L Components Review and System Updates. Presenting component readiness for decision making in terms of schedule prioritization. 50L teams assessments on risks, challenges, and roadblocks.
50L cryogenics consists of three parts: A horizontal dilution refrigerator (Snoopy), a large volume 4K cryostat (Woodstock), and a thermal bridge between the two (Cold Snout). Cryogenic performance needs, to-do list, and a timeline will be shown. Discussion of risks and challenges.
Updates on design and testing plans for the cold snout.
50L will employ a toroidal magnet with peak field of 1 Tesla commercially sourced by SSI. Overview of the components, timeline, and identified risks to be discussed.
Design decisions, risks, and details of current status of magnet procurement.
Kevlar and aluminum strap mechanism for holding the two halves of the toroidal magnet in place during assembly and cool down.
Discussion of magnet cradle design and thermal modeling.
Resonator components, goals, timetable, risks, and outlook.
Testing apparatus at Princeton and inductor wiring setup.
Overview and steps to design a tunable capacitor for the desired frequency range of 5kHz to 5MHz. Strategies for testing will be discussed.
DMRadio-50L calibration strategy, methods, and techniques.
Tunable transformer and high-Q resonator testing in dilution refrigerator.