22–25 Aug 2023
Tufts University
America/New_York timezone

Design, implementation and reliability of machine learning algorithms in JUNO

24 Aug 2023, 13:45
Tufts University

Tufts University

4th Floor Tufts Collaborative Learning and Innovation Center (CLIC) 574 Boston Ave, Medford, MA 02155 Zoom link: https://tufts.zoom.us/j/94932630273?pwd=Z3VSK3A2Tmx2a21uaDdsVHRSenU1dz09 Meeting ID: 949 3263 0273 Passcode: 880336
Collaboration Talk Session 6


Leonard Imbert (Subatech, Nantes, France)


The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino experiment currently under construction in China. Its main goals are the mass ordering measurement expected to be determined with a 3σ confidence level in 6 years and the precise measurement of the oscillations parameters θ12, Δm212 and Δm312 (Δm322) at the per-mil level. To achieve such precision, JUNO need to reach an energy resolution of 3\% at 1 MeV and the best spatial resolution possible for event selection. Alongside the traditional methods such as likelihood maximisation, we are also exploring the usage of machine learning to improve our precision and ensure a robust and coherent reconstruction by having multiple independents algorithms. In this talk, I will discuss and present the different architectures of Neural Networks and Boosted Decision Tree that have been designed to reconstruct neutrino events and discuss their implementation and their reliability.

Primary author

Leonard Imbert (Subatech, Nantes, France)

Presentation materials