Manfred Lindner
(Max Planck Institute for Nucelar Physics)
10/25/23, 1:50 PM
Invited talk
As co-spokesperson of the XENON collaboration I coordinated and purchased tons of xenon from various vendors. I noticed the talk by an Air Liquide representative, but I could add a significantly wider picture and broader insights into the global xenon market, about various market interdependencies, price evolution and many other details.
Benjamin Monreal
(Case Western Reserve University)
10/25/23, 2:15 PM
Invited talk
The natural gas industry has technologies for large-scale cryogenic gas storage on the surface (well-known to physicists since its adoption by DUNE). Less well known are the technologies for large-scale ambient-temperature underground gas storage. In this talk I will try to convince you that, with the right underground infrastructure, gas TPCs (a) can be scaled up as easily as cryogenic...
Julien Masbou
(Subatech - Nantes Université / CNRS-IN2P3 / IMT Atlantique)
10/25/23, 2:40 PM
Invited talk