June 30, 2022
America/Los_Angeles timezone


Jun 30, 2022, 10:00 AM


During the open exchange of greetings session, we know that many of you would like to speak. Given the number of attendees, we have decided to make a google doc available to you, where you can provide your reminiscences, comments, or (even) questions, at:


We will use the entries in the google doc to help guide whom we will call on to speak during that session, which is of course short.
We will also keep that google doc after the meeting, If you there, and especially if you were involved in the discovery and the lead-up to it, you are most welcome to include links to material from that time (or thereabouts).

Fermilab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIg1Vh7uPyw
TED-Ed: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-higgs-field-explained-don-lincoln

Presentation materials