Weekly EC Meeting

  • Monday, 28 March
    • 10:00 10:20
      Dissertation proposal for Alic Spellman 20m

      We will discuss and vote on the approval of Alic's dissertation proposal.

    • 10:20 10:40
      Update on UMN student Tom Eichlersmith joining HPS 20m

      I will report on a discussion last week with Tom and his supervisor Jeremy Mans.

    • 10:40 11:00
      Rotation of software coordinator position 20m

      We will consider the rotation of the software coordination position from Norman Graf to Cameron Bravo. As a reminder, the description of this rotating position is here: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/download/attachments/86676777/HPS_Management_Plan-2.pdf
      This does not change Cameron's role as deputy analysis coordinator or Norman's role as co-coordinator for reconstruction.

      Update: I have discussed with Omar serving as SW coordinator for HPS. Omar is not wiling to perform this role at the current time, largely because he is not involved in developing HPS software on a daily basis. (Operational awareness and efficiency are the principal reasons the amendment to the bylaws on these positions states that the SW coordinator shall be one of the coordinators of the groups that is developing software - Analysis, Calib/Reco, MC - which Omar is not.