FPD Seminar

"The quest for long-lived particles: searching for displaced vertices and tracking in the trigger" - Emily Thompson (U. of Freiburg, DESY)

by Emily Thompson (U. of Freiburg)

virtual (SLAC)




"The existence of long-lived particles (LLPs) is a common feature in many theories beyond the Standard Model. For example, models with small couplings (i.e. R-parity-violating supersymmetry) and models with compressed mass spectra (i.e. co-annihilating dark matter) predict the presence of LLPs. With lifetimes ranging from picoseconds to nanoseconds, massive LLPs could decay to several electrically charged particles in the inner tracking volume of the ATLAS detector, resulting in the reconstruction of a displaced secondary vertex. Integrating tracking information into the trigger at an early stage is critical to enhancing the sensitivity of future searches for LLPs with displaced track signatures. The ATLAS Fast TracKer (FTK) aimed to achieve this by performing global, hardware-based track finding at a trigger rate of 100 kHz.
In this talk, searches for new long-lived massive particles leaving a displaced vertex signature in the ATLAS inner detector with the full Run-2 dataset are presented. Furthermore, the FTK system is presented and its application to LLP searches is discussed."

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Link to recording

Organised by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)