Jul 10 – 24, 2020
America/Chicago timezone


Day 1 Morning

Jul 10, 2020, 10:00 AM


Day 1 Morning

  • Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC)
  • Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

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Adam Aurisano (University of Cincinnati), Corey Adams (Argonne National Laboratory), Jianming Bian (University of California, Irvine), Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC), Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab), Nick Prouse (TRIUMF), Patrick de Perio (TRIUMF), Taritree Wongjirad (Tufts University)
7/10/20, 10:00 AM
Dr Michael Cooke (U.S. Department of Energy)
7/10/20, 10:10 AM
Adam Aurisano (University of Cincinnati)
7/10/20, 10:25 AM
Building timetable...