10–24 Jul 2020
America/Chicago timezone

A Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE LArTPC

10 Jul 2020, 11:50
Individual talk Day 1 Morning


Rui An (Illinois Institute of Techonology)


MicroBooNE has accumulated data in a 1E21 POT neutrino beam over five years to test the excess of low energy electron neutrino-like events observed by MiniBooNE. To this end, we have explored the use of a new hybrid analysis chain that includes both conventional and machine learning reconstruction algorithms to identify events with the exclusive 1-proton-1-electron signal topology. The multiple-particle-identification (MPID) network we developed is an important application of convolutional neural networks that takes a reconstructed image as input, and provides simultaneous probabilities of having a proton, electron, gamma, muon or charged pion in the image. MPID shows a promising ability to separate the physical features that distinguish interactions. In this poster, we present the highlights of MPID training and performance in both simulated and real datasets.

Primary author

Rui An (Illinois Institute of Techonology)

Presentation materials