EPP Theory Seminar

NuSTAR bounds on radiatively decaying particles from M82

by Dr Giuseppe Lucente (SLAC)

48/2-224 - Madrone (SLAC)

48/2-224 - Madrone



Stars are efficient laboratories to probe feebly interacting particles (FIPs), such as axions. In this talk I will revise how different stages of low-mass and massive stars, concluding their lives with supernova explosions, can be used to constrain axion interactions with standard model particles, as well as other FIPs. Then, I will talk about a recent work in which I set constraints oh heavy axions produced from massive stars in the M82 Galaxy. Their decay into two photons would produce a large flux of X-rays, peaking around 100 keV and spread around a relative large angle. The absence of these features in the observations of the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission can constrain a previously unprobed region of the axion parameter space with masses 100-500 keV and coupling gag ~ 1e-10 - 1e-12 GeV^{-1}.