FPD Seminar

Ryan Schmitz - Delayed Jets and the Dark Sector: Long-Lived Particles at the LHC and Beyond

48/2-224 - Madrone (SLAC)

48/2-224 - Madrone



What physics is beyond the Higgs? A decade later, this question remains unanswered, demanding innovative approaches to search strategies and experimental design. If new physics is at the LHC, why haven't we seen it? If new physics is beyond the LHC, where is it hiding? And if we need new machines to uncover it, how can we prepare? In this talk, I discuss how long-lived particles (LLPs) provide a unique probe to answer these questions at the LHC and beyond. I highlight contributions to LLP searches at CMS, including the development of the first jet-timing-based trigger for Run 3, alongside analysis techniques that enhance delayed jet reconstruction and background rejection. Beyond CMS, I will discuss the milliQan experiment and other recent searches for millicharged particles (mCPs), a class of fractionally charged long-lived particles that probe the dark sector. Finally, I will connect these efforts to the opportunities for R&D and discovery enabled by future colliders.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/98973156241?pwd=cEU5RFdlVXoyc0JTeTlDMkozKzQ5UT09

Organised by

Peter Gaemers (pgaemers@slac), Sayan Ghosh (sghosh92@slac), Jamie Ryan (jlryan@slac)