Advanced Linear Collider Study Group 2025 Workshop
The ALEGRO (Advanced LinEar collider study GROup) Workshop will concentrate on addressing the recent progress and necessary steps towards realizing a linear collider for particle physics based on novel-accelerator technology. The Workshop will engage HEP Theorists and Experimentalists on the question of the physics reach of a 10 TeV Wakefield Collider. The Workshop will feature plenary sessions organized around the "Grand Challenges" of Wakefield Collider design. Afternoons will be dedicated to discussion sessions organized around the 10 TeV Wakefield Collider Design Study Working Groups. There will be a session to review and comment on the input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) Roadmap Process.
Grand Challenges
The design of a 10 TeV Wakefield Collider involves many challenges, but some stand out:
- Full acceleration of beams with charge > 100 pc and emittance < 100 nm.
- Emittance preservation and stability of staged plasma acceleration.
- Acceleration of positrons in plasma.
- Beam Delivery Systems for 5 TeV beams.
- Mitigation of beam-beam effects at 10 TeV CM.