A multi-TeV muon collider has the unique potential to provide both precision measurements and the highest energy reach in one machine that cannot be paralleled by any currently available technology. There has been significant physics interest on Muon Colliders recently as indicated by the number of publications, relevant workshops, Snowmass activities but also the P5 report. This talk describes a possible set of R&D and deliverables of the muon collider accelerator R&D program in the U.S. We describe high-priority studies to be performed in the first phase that will address critical questions for deciding the future plan for a muon collider design. The goal of these studies is to firm up choices for the most challenging components of a muon collider design, and to propose and begin testing and prototyping of components and systems that are needed to have confidence in and inform our specification choices. Key areas wherein the US can provide critical contributions to the newly formed international muon collider collaboration will be discussed as well.
Spencer Gessner