Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, one of the main focuses of the ATLAS experiment has been the ever-more precise measurements of its interactions with fundamental particles as a potential probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model. As during the time of discovery, the Higgs to diphoton decay channel remains a powerful tool for such tests. Despite the extremely low branching ratio, measurements in this channel may exploit the diphoton invariant mass distribution, which features a clean, smoothly falling background contrasting against a sharply peaking signal. In this presentation, I will discuss a selection of Run 2 ATLAS results which utilize this decay mode. The first topic is the role of the H->yy channel in characterizing the top-Higgs Yukawa interaction, most notably through establishing the existence of ttH production. The second topic is the search for Higgs pair production in the HH->(bb)(yy) channel as a probe for the Higgs boson self-coupling. Finally, I will describe the potential for the HH->(bb)(yy) channel with the future High Luminosity LHC, as well as some of the recent ATLAS hardware upgrade activities needed to make this a reality.
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Federico Bianchini, Yifan Chen
(fbianc@slac, yifanch@stanford)