FPD Seminar

Probing the Standard Model Using H->WW decays with the ATLAS detector – Robin Hayes

virtual (SLAC)




 As the most recently-discovered particle of the Standard Model (SM), the Higgs boson plays a key role in the quest to deepen our understanding of fundamental physics. Measurements of its production cross-sections probe for disagreement with the SM that might hint at signs of new physics. I will present recent measurements of gluon fusion (ggF) and vector boson fusion (VBF) Higgs production in the H->WW*->evuv decay channel, using data from the ATLAS detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). These measurements are challenging due to the high-background environment, where on average fewer than one in one billion proton-proton collisions produces Higgs bosons. I will discuss novel analysis techniques and improvements that allow the first observation of the H->WW* process in the VBF channel and precise measurements of Higgs boson cross-sections in important kinematic regions. Over the next years, the planned upgrade and corresponding increase in luminosity at the LHC will provide us with an even larger dataset. I will highlight some of the work being done to prepare the ATLAS detector for these challenging but productive conditions, which will enable further precision tests of the SM.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/98973156241?pwd=cEU5RFdlVXoyc0JTeTlDMkozKzQ5UT09


Organised by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)