FPD Seminar

Searching for New Physics Using di-Higgs Final States with the ATLAS Detector– Michael Hank

virtual (SLAC)




Searches for new physics using final states with pairs of Higgs bosons are presented. This state is investigated in two contexts. The first analysis targets pairs of Higgs bosons decaying to bb¯bb¯, produced with gravitinos from the decays of supersymmetric higgsinos. The search focuses on theoretically well-motivated higgsinos with masses near the electroweak scale. The second analysis targets pairs of Higgs bosons produced via the trilinear Higgs self-coupling and considers multiple final states, with an emphasis on the bb¯bb¯ channel. The searches are performed using up to 139 fb1 of data in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The bb¯bb¯ backgrounds are dominated by difficult-to-model QCD multijet events and are estimated using novel data-driven approaches utilizing machine-learning techniques.

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Organised by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)