FPD Seminar

CrystaLiZe: A Solid Future for LZ – Hao Chen (Berkeley Lab)

virtual (SLAC)




Direct dark matter search experiments aim to detect rare events when a candidate dark matter particle scatters off a target. Ultra-low background is essential for such experiments. State-of-the-art liquid/vapor xenon experiments, like LUX-ZEPLIN, employ various effective methods to suppress and discriminate against background signals. So far, the leading background remaining is the beta decays from the radon decay chain, which limits our ability to reach the neutrino floor. A crystalline xenon target has the potential to tag and reject radon-chain backgrounds, due to the time and energy signature of their decays. With the goal of improving searches for dark matter, We have built and operated a crystalline/vapor xenon TPC. This talk will discuss the recent results from our testbed and its potential. 

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Organised by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)