FPD Seminar

Engineering a space-movie: Incompressible corgis, self-parking sensors, and satellite cover-ups - Margaux Lopez (Rubin) and Andrew Bradshaw (SLAC)

by Andrew Bradshaw (SLAC), Margaux Lopez (Rubin)

virtual (SLAC)



Password 134699

The Rubin Observatory will soon begin shooting the world's deepest and widest movie of the sky ever: the Legacy Survey of Space and Time. By combining a record-breaking focal plane with some of the world's largest lenses and mirrors, the LSST will 'film' the southern sky for ten years, collecting the light of tens of billions of objects ranging from galaxies at the edge of the observable universe, to the dynamics of nearby stars, asteroids, and interstellar objects, to thousands of satellites in low Earth orbit. This talk will take a behind-the-scenes look at some of the engineering and research challenges that the Rubin camera team has overcome, as well as our commissioning efforts and preparation for the start of observations. <ominous voice> assuming we ever make it to operations...


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Organized by

Andrew Bradshaw, Sander Breur
(bradshaw@slac, sanderb@slac)