DIDACTS (Data-Intensive Discovery Accelerated by Computational Techniques for Science) is a collaboration of physics and machine learning experts with an overall goal of incorporate scientific knowledge into machine learning and data science methods in the context of scientific disciplines. As part of DIDACTS’ research program, we are looking into the challenging problem of Dark Matter direct...
The NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) experiment searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 136Xe using a time projection chamber (TPC) filled with enriched xenon gas at high pressure. NEXT can reconstruct the extended ionization tracks left by electrons in the gas. Using this information we can select events with two electrons with a common vertex (double beta decay) from the...
The NEXT Collaboration is currently designing and performing R&D for a ton-scale detector capable of observing neutrinoless double beta decay. NEXT utilizes a high pressure gaseous xenon TPC with an electroluminescent region to amplify the signal from the drift electrons, and has successfully built and collected data with several smaller scale prototypes. The current expected sensitivity of...
nEXO is a proposed 5 tonne liquid xenon experiment which seeks to detect neutrinoless double beta decay 0νββ in Xe-136 using Time Projection Chamber (TPC) technology. The experiment will use the combination of scintillation and ionization signals to reconstruct events with an energy resolution of 1\% σ/E at the \gls{onbb} Q-value. The scintillation light will be collected...
Deep neural networks are becoming increasingly pervasive in science and engineering applications. These networks are often treated as high-fidelity models with accurate predictive powers by end users. However, even predictions from a trained neural network may contain significant errors and uncertainties due to bias, noise and complexity of the data; the volume of the training data; the...