- General introduction and brief history
- What’s new in version 10
- Highlights of user applications
- Geant4 license
- Geant4 kernel
-- Basic concepts and kernel structure
-- User classes
Covers the Geant4 website, user guides, basic, extended and advanced examples, and where to get help.
- Introduction to sensitivity
- Command-based scoring
- Add a new scorer/filter
How materials are defined and how they can be used in an application.
- Introduction
- G4VUserDetectorConstruction class
- Solid and shape
- Logical volume
- Region
- Physical volume
- Placement
- Introduction
- Built-in primary particle generators
-- Particle gun
-- Interfaces to HEPEVT and HEPMC
-- General particle source - Pre-assigned decay
Provides an overview of Geant4 physics, a discussion of physics processes and a description of secondary particle production thresholds.
Covers particle decays, optical photon interactions and solid state processes.
- Various ways of placing volumes
-- Parameterized volume
-- Replicated volume
-- Divided volume
-- Nested parameterization
-- Reflected volume
-- Assembly volume - Touchable
An overview of Geant4 electromagnetic physics, with discussions of multiple scattering, energy fluctuations and atomic de-excitation.
- Magnetic field
- Field integration and other types of field
- GDML/CAD interfaces
- Geometry checking tools
- Geometry optimization
Low energy electromagnetic physics processes and models in Geant4 and how to use them.
- Define scorers in the tracking volume
- Accumulate scores for a run
- Sensitive detector vs. primitive scorer
- Basic structure of detector sensitivity
- Sensitive detector and hit
- Touchable
- Use of G4HCofThisEvent class
A detailed discussion of how ionization, bremsstrahlung, multiple scattering and transportation compete to limit step size and choose an interaction.
An overview of Geant4 hadronic physics and discussions of precompound and intranuclear cascade models.
- Mechanism of UI command
- Defining basic UI command
- Defining complex UI command
- G4GenericMessenger
- UI command in multithreaded mode
- Introduction
- Multithreading in Geant4 : the basics
- UI commands for multithreading
A discussion of hadron elastic models, low energy neutrons, ion-ion models, capture, stopping and fission.
A discussion of QCD string models, gamma- and lepto-nuclear models and radioactive decay.
A discussion of specific biasing options, including reverse Monte Carlo, and the general Geant4 biasing framework.
- User limits
- Attaching user information to G4 classes
- Fast simulation (a.k.a. shower parameterization)
- Stacking mechanism
- The challenge of MT : thread safety
- Reading input file in multithreaded mode
Tips on upgrading to the latest Geant4 version and where to get help.